The Strange Case of Origami Yoda—How to make an Origami Yoda

Tom Angelberger shows us how to make our very own Origami Yoda

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Here's a shot Tom's first ever group instruction in folding Yodas. It was a huge hit!

Also, here's a new review:

"This one gets four stars. It was cute, fun, light, and a nice story with a warm fuzzy feeling. The “casebook” format, with crumpled paper effects on the pages and drawings in the margins, was incredibly cute. Some of the wording did feel a bit dated (think 80s), but it wasn't overly distracting. Obviously, this would be even better if you are a Star Wars fan. The instructions at the end on how to fold your own origami Yoda at the end of the book were just the perfect addition. This is definitely highly recommended!